Museum Passes
Museum Pass Procedures
- Museum passes can only be checked out by a Jefferson Township Public Library cardholder. Patrons checking out passes must be 18 years of age, or older, and in good standing.
- Patrons must have their library card (or digital equivalent) when checking out a museum pass.
- Visit our circulation desk to request a museum pass - passes will be given out on a first come first serve basis - no holds or reservations will be accepted. Please call ahead to check availability 973-208-6244
- The loan period for museum passes will be 4 days.
- One pass per household
- Museum passes cannot be renewed, there are no exceptions.
- Passes must be returned in-person to our circulation desk during our open hours. Any pass left in our dropbox will incur a $10 fine. This will be strictly enforced.
- Overdue fine for late returns is $5/day
- For any pass that is lost, the patron will be charged the full replacement amount for that museum.
- Please note it is the patron’s responsibility to check for any specific admission details and hours before visiting the museum.
- Passes do not include parking and are not always eligible for special events at the museum
- You may be asked to show your library card and photo ID when entering the museum